Restrict Staff Access to a Specific Subset
By Adam Scott Posted July 7, 2023

Allowing employees to quickly and easily access important data is crucial to keeping your business running smoothly, but not all data is appropriate for every clearance level or job description. For example, your marketing team may not need to see this quarter’s profit and loss data, and the IT department doesn’t need to access sensitive in-office human resources documents.
So how can you ensure that only select employees have access to certain data sets, files, and subsets of information? Restricting staff access to a specific subset of data through software is a simple and easy-to-implement fix. This process is called “row-level security” and can work wonders for both small and large businesses.
Row-Level Security Offers an Easy Fix
Row-level security allows users to see certain kinds of information depending upon the clearance granted to them through in-house software. For example, it allows your CFO to log on and view all necessary and relevant data but will display a very different set of data and information when an office associate logs in to his or her account.
Findjoo allows you to customize what information is accessible or visible to each user based on their specific login ID and credentials. This serves the role of keeping this data access in-house and tailored to individuals instead of to entire teams or tiers of authority.
This process allows for companies to grant access that is appropriate to each worker, and to modify clearance as needed should this employee take on or renounce certain responsibilities throughout their time with the company.
Improve Security By Restricting Staff Access
Much has been made of the importance of keeping sensitive data away from hackers and malicious third parties, and this is undeniably important. But keeping the same data away from unauthorized workers is just as important.
Increasingly, businesses are seeing data, emails, memos, and classified documents leaked by employees. It’s easier than ever today to simply snap a photo of a document or a screen with one’s phone, and a great many modern security breaches have involved nothing but exposed data and a worker’s iPhone camera. This is especially true for departing employees.
Reduce Employee Data Leaks
This is especially true of employees who are leaving the company and who may wish to harm or embarrass their former employer. Making it impossible for employees who have been fired or who are being let go to access sensitive (or any) corporate information is another key part of row-level security.
Let’s go over an example. If an employee ID has clearance revoked the morning they are let go, there’s no opportunity for them to return to clear their desk after their termination conversation in HR and snap some photos of sensitive documents before they head out for the last time.
In a world where a company’s entire reputation can take a massive or even fatal blow from a data leak, restricting staff access to specific subsets of data is an all-around smart move. This helps your company keep sensitive data with specific individuals and allows data access to be tailored to individual login IDs.
This process also reduces the likelihood of internal data leaks and restricts departing employee access to sensitive data which could be vindictively captured and shared.