Dynamic File Generation
By Adam Scott Posted April 28, 2019

One of the main things that we always want to help you do is make your life easier any way we can. Because when your life is easier, then our life is easier. We also know that one of the biggest targets of stress for you is data. There’s so much of it, and you need all of it to run your organization well. So, we now have the option your data easier to access and more efficient to file. Now, we have the option for you to generate a dynamic excel file using our scheduler to make organization as simple and stress-free as possible.
Here’s how it works. First, you can create a filter in your database featuring any subset of clients or members. You can filter them however you like, by payment method or membership or even expired members, however you need to see all that data at once. Second, in the communications page, you can select to send an email on a specific interval. For example, you can send an email after a certain number of days to your list of clients. You can also select to send emails each week or each month, which will also take the pressure off of you to remember when exactly you need to send those emails. Third, you have the option of including an attachment when you send those email blasts.

Using our new feature, the attachment in this case can actually be created from a distribution list. This way, you can send an up-to-the-minute file to a staff member that includes a list of everyone who is currently in your database filter. Again, for example, maybe you need to share information with your staff about all clients whose memberships have expired. Or you need to share a list of every member who has made a recent donation or who has missed a payment. You could even send an email including a list of all new clients and the information that they need to know now that they are members of your organization. In any of these situations, all you need to do is create a filter for your database and create an attachment from that filtered database. Then, with the scheduling feature, you just need to create the email blast once and each week or month an updated email will be sent. It’s that simple.
And not only is it simple, but it’s so much more productive for you to use. It takes care of gathering specific subsets of data, adding them easily as attachments, and automatically sending out those emails for whenever you need them. Imagine having the latest data delivered to you automatically like that whenever you need it. Like I said, one of our top priorities is to make your life easier, and using the file generation scheduling system will do exactly that. It’s so easy to use and so convenient to make a part of your daily (or weekly or monthly) operations.